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PJM clients show great interest in Acopos 6D!

More than 15 employees from a large pharmaceutical enterprise and representatives from the supplier recently attended two PJM live demos of the innovative industrial transportation system ACOPOS 6D. Now we are opening for new events.

In this blog post: ACOPOS 6D has whipped up much attention in manufacturing companies in Denmark and internationally. The system could become an essential component in future automation solutions.

PJM recently organized two successful events for clients to illustrate potential use cases. We are eager to give your company the same opportunity.

At the PJM event, employees from one of PJM’s largest clients and representatives from B&R Industrial Automation watched a series of demo cases illustrating ACOPOS 6D highlights.

Flexibility and efficient line clearance
“We emphasized the systems flexibility, efficient line clearance, and smooth format conversions in production with smaller batches,” says Jakob Nors, Innovation Manager at PJM.

The demo cases generated a lot of interest and inquiries from the participants. Many already visualized specific applications in their production during the event.

“We wish to base coming solutions on dialogue and cooperation with our clients. The first step is most likely implementing ACOPOS 6D in pilot projects or 'proof of concept' to test the potential before we embark on larger projects,” says Jakob Nors.

Read the story press HERE 


Poul Johansen Maskiner A/S
Øvangsvej 1
4540 Fårevejle
Odsherred Kommune
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